Who Are We To Our Friends?

Luke 19:1-10 tells us a story about how Jesus met a man who did not have many friends. By being a friend to him, Jesus won his heart.
Bible book: Luke Keywords: Evangelization - Friends

Our Faith Will be Tested

We can call ourselves believers, when we believe in something that transcends us. We can call ourselves Christians when we lay our lives in God’s hands, and trust Him to grant us forgiveness from our sins and an everlasting future.
Bible book: Genesis Keywords: Faith - Obedience - Testing - Victory

Hannah, the Mother After God's Own Heart

1 Samuel 1:1-18 introduces us to a woman who can be a role model for many of us, especially for those who are mothers. Let us read a number of verses from this chapter.
Bible book: 1 Samuel Keywords: Care for - Intercession - Loyalty - Motherhood - Parenthood

Come, Hear, and Act Accordingly

Many people call Jesus Christ “Lord”, but fail to do what He asks of us.
Bible book: Luke Keywords: Act - Obedience