There is help in retaining our faith, even when it is very difficult.
Hebrews 4:14-16 (NIV)
When our faith is being tested, we will not stand alone. God will provide great help!
Jesus Christ, the Savior in whom we believe, is the High Priest, not just any priest, but the Great High Priest. This High Priest has the only right to plead for us at the throne of God. When we are struggling with our faith, He prays for us.
Jesus Christ is not only the One who is able to plead for us; He also understands exactly what we are going through. He lived on this earth 2000 years ago, as a human, and has experienced every temptation that we are experiencing. However, He did not sin, but surrendered everything to His Father in Heaven. We can do this, as well. When we are being tempted, we know that the High Priest, Who pleads for us before the throne of God, knows exactly what we are experiencing. So keep on persevering in faith!
This High Priest does not only want to stand before the throne of God, He also invites us to join Him without hesitation, without embarrassment, without fear. He is the Merciful, the Helper, and gives us what we need to persevere in trials.
"There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."