When we give a gift to someone we know, we might consider giving an average present. But for our King we only give the best.
Leviticus 1:3 (NIV)
An offering is something that is given to God by people, in honor of God. God loved to accept it, as long as it was without defect. This didn’t only apply to burnt offerings, but also to sin offerings, peace offerings, purification (cleansing) offering and more. A blind or lame animal should not be given to God (Deuteronomy 15:21)
Why not?
Leviticus 11:45 (NIV)
Our God is perfect. He is the light, there is no darkness, He is good without a trace of evil, He is the truth without lies, and He is power without weakness. Our God, perfect and Holy, asks us to be Holy like Him. In our behaviour and also in our offering to Him, He wants us to give only the best to Him.
Since Jesus Christ died on the cross; we do not have to bring offerings like the Israelites in the Old Testament anymore, but we can still give. We can put ourselves in the service of God as a living sacrifice (see Romans 12:1). This means that everything we are and do, is an offering to God. The best we have. For Him.